All loaded up with baby blankets.

So, I loaded up the car with baby blankets. When I say loaded it up I mean it. The trunk the entire back seat and the passenger seat. All that was needed because I purchase another $3,000 worth of baby blankets to give to the Hospital.

I told my boss at the lab to not say it was from be but the lab as a whole. My idea is that maybe it will inspire other departments in the hospital to also donate and maybe get some friendly competition going.

Trust me, the different departments are actually quite competitive. So, I hope to start something here.

Late-term abortions is not the end they’re going to take it further.

Before New York passed its law allowing abortion up to the time of birth, I used to be told that it would never get to that point. That the so-called “pro-choice” side would at no time advocate for such a thing. I was told this because I used to say that it was going to be a slippery slope you give an inch, they’ll take a mile.

I was criticized heavily it called crazy, conspiracy theorist, etc.… all for pointing out these people will not stop an abortion 20 some-odd weeks in. It turns out, I was right. They did not stop they kept going. Just a little week or two here or there but all the way up to the moments with a baby is ready to take its first breath.

I don’t feel that my position is Vindicated because of this instead, I feel sick knowing that people are willing to do this with a child who’s fully capable of living on the outside. No doubt if there’s any “pro-choice” they’re going to probably want to inject that it’s only done if the mother’s life is in danger. So let me just address that real quick. No it’s not, they were already legally allowed to abort a child if the mother’s life was in danger, but this law did was expand upon it allowing for abortion for health reasons. Which means, if the mother feels is having a temporary moment of stress that her mental health is affected, and dusk kills The Unborn.

With that being said if you think that it will end with late-term abortions think again. Because these people don’t want to end it there, they want to take it further. They’ve actually been advocating to take it further for a very long time. If they have it their way the next thing you will start seeing is what a lot of people have called ‘after birth abortion.’

They’ve been slowly desensitizing us to these things, so we’re not rioting in the streets over it. Once you’re used to late-term abortion, they will start going for the after birth abortion. Hell, even the Journal of medical ethics puts forth papers justifying after birth abortion for the same excuses used today for abortion.

If the mom thinks having babies too stressful, terminated it. Financial burden, where’s that pillow at? The baby’s interfering with your career? Slit its throat.

They don’t even consider a baby, once born to be a person. They don’t want you to see it as that either. That way, they can effectively be dehumanizing these babies they want to kill. After all, if we don’t view them as people or humans, it makes it a lot easier to do horrible things to them. Justifying the extinguishing of their lives.

I said this in a past blog post, it was relevant then and it’s relevant now.

“Human history is riddled with a lot of disgusting and disturbing Acts. With Some of our worst moments having taken place when one group of humans had declared that others are not human, or are some kind of subset of humans. A kind of less developed human being.

Millions of Jews had been sent to the gas chamber. As they had been seen as Untermensch, a term that was used to describe inferior people.

Even slaves had been seen as not being human. Thus, it was fine to do what you wanted to with them.

However, it seems we have not learned from our past. Where millions of our most innocent have been killed because others have deemed them not to be human. Or are said to be a less-developed human.”

Millions of Jews had been sent to the gas chamber. As they had been seen as Untermensch, a term that was used to describe inferior people.

Even slaves had been seen as not being human. Thus, it was fine to do what you wanted to with them.

However, it seems we have not learned from our past. Where millions of our most innocent have been killed because others have deemed them not to be human. Or are said to be a less-developed human.”

The sad part is, I don’t even think it would end with the death of babies just a few months after birth either. These people literally have trained themselves not to see others as not being human. Hell, they have a hard enough time viewing people with different political views as human, using violence against them even today. While using excuses to for that violence.

In the end, this bar will continue to be raised and one day it may be to late and anybody can find themselves the dehumanized group facing a death.

What’s next?

Before New York enacted legislation, which allows to kill their unwanted baby right up to the time they would deliver. We, those of us on the pro-life side, had been told that this kind of thing would never happen. Despite their claim, such a thing would not happen; it did.

I think we have become so use to how the Social justice Warrior (SJW)/Progressives/ feminist side operates we knew this was untrue and had seen it coming. It was just a matter of when. When we warned of this, we were criticized for it. Being told that we are just crazy, or conspiracy theorist. Despite this, once again when dealing with SJWs they push things down the slippery slope as far as they can. In this case, it was the ability to legally execute an unborn child.

Knowing that they always push it another step further, I highly doubt it will end here. Because before New York even attempted to legalize the killing of our most vulnerable among us, many forms and chat rooms were full of people, especially famous, wanting to have the ability to terminate the life of an already born child due to things like disabilities or the mother financial situations.

So the question is not of they will push for it, but when? How do we stop it when we not even prevent New York from legislating death? They use the same tactics. They get us use to this new abortion law. Then they start claiming that its part of a women right to choose, telling us it’s better for the child because it somehow more cruel to the child. Perhaps using the excuse of Earth’s limited resources and therefore, the child might suffering and starve.

They will do this while calling anyone who objects, a bigot or women hater. Someone who’s trying to oppress women, trying to them. Which to me is odd because it’s mostly women who fight against abortion, not men. Sure, male politician do enact legislation to stop abortion, but they’re doing it at the behalf of their female voters who they are representing. Nonetheless, they will do this as an attempt to demonize men wear at the same time trying to make it look like this is about women and not the child.

So, just wait, this is next. The question is, when?

Disgusting: man photographed naked with boy dressed in drag.

If I was to tell you that there was an 11-year-old boy who was dressing up in drag, you probably wouldn’t be thinking much of it, or you probably think maybe that’s a little disturbing. Depending Who You Are that is. However, If I was to tell you that the same boy was going to gay bars to entertain grown men who would hooting & hollering at this boy cat calling him. Chances are, you would recognize that there is something wrong with that. As we’re talking about grown men being entertain by a child dressed in drag and these men are treating him like a typical stripper just dressed in drag.

They even will throw money at this child, whose stage name is Desmond Is Amazing, as he dances in drag to entertain them. All this alone is disturbing enough that it should warrant some kind of Investigation. It should also be something that the LGBT community should be concerned about seeing that they don’t want gays to be seen as a bunch of pedophiles. Yet, there’s very little in the way of speaking out against this. Most of those in that Community are individuals who are speaking out.

However, the little boy dancing in Drag for grown men who are throwing money at him as if he was an adult Entertainer is not the worst of this story. The boy was dressed in drag was doing a photo shoot, posing with a naked grown man. Yet, there’s been no investigation by the authorities, no Child Protective Services getting involved.

It probably would be under most normal circumstances, However, this is the LGBT community that is involved and so they get a pass because nobody wants to be labeled a bigot or a homophobe, despite how this child is being exploited for the gratification of men

My guess is, if this was a little girl at a straight bar and this was going on, there would be a huge investigation, the child would be taken into CPS custody, protest outside the bar, if it was not already shut down. Where unlike with the LGBT community “inclusion” and “diversity” are not excuses straight perverse adults get to use when they allow/do this to happen to a child.

Please don’t get me wrong. I not saying all gays are all pedophiles. Such people exist on both sides. However, it seems this kind of thing is tolerated more within the LGBT community. Hell NAMBLA, the national Association of man-boy love for the longest time has been allowed to participate in there pride parades for a long time. Though I’m not sure if it is still tolerated today, but it has been in the past.

It’s not so much because LGBT organization support this kind of thing, well at least one certainly did. Whoever was behind this bar sponsoring this Drag event. Again, it because they are more tolerant of it and because straight are afraid of receiving the labels, “ homophobic” and “bigot” for simply speaking out against this kind of thing.

It’s both the LGBT community and straights communities fault here. Tolerance of the LGBT community for this kind of stuff and the fear thar has overcome the straight Community for speaking out against it.

This boy is being exploited by grown men because of our failure to act. Sadly it looks like this is going to continue as well. Seeing the authorities aren’t doing anything, Social Services I’d even going to go and question the kid for his parents. Nor are their huge protest out front of the bar.

This is what our society has become. So I must ask, is this what tolerance and diversity has brought us? Is this what we wanted as a society?

Someone broke in our church.

Luz returned from volunteering at church today and told me how someone during the week broke in and stole two of the guitars used for the church’s band. Smashing the main glass door in to get to them.

This is actually a huge loss for the church, as it is a small church that spends nearly all of its resources on others and it’s own members in need. Where unlike other churches give little to anyone except for the pastor, our church is dedicated to helping as many people as they can. Especially it’s own members who are in need.

Like how every day, every member of the church who is in need food is given a free hot meal there at the church and a few bags groceries to get them through the week.

So replacing the glass door and the two guitars will have an effect. Because to replace them means fewer resources to give others. Chances are they will hold off I replacing them for a little while so just to make sure everybody on Christmas can get through the holiday. I just don’t yet know how this will impact the churches band until then.

However, knowing the type of people who attend our church, I won’t be surprised that when they find out tomorrow we find a few guitars on loan until or donated.

As for the thieves, I hold no ill will towards them, nor does the church. We are a very loving and forgiving bunch. And who knows maybe they needed to take them the pawn and feed their own families. Or needed them as Christmas gifts to give to their kids because they can’t afford anything and saw it as an opportunity. Granted, the odds are low that is the case, but I like to think in someway our loss will still help someone in someway.

Who knows, maybe one day they will feel guilty for what they did and come forward. The will probably be surprised when everyone wants to hug them. Or better yet, it’ll be something that helps them find their way to God. And they come and join us.

It’s Not Wrong to Publicly Confront Christians Who Publicly Sin.

I have never been one to shy away from confronting people. This includes those calling themselves Christians who are publicly sinning or who are teaching something false about scripture. I think it does a lot of damage not correcting my fellow brothers in Christ when they sin publicly.

However, I have found that when I correct my fellow Christians l it can result in me becoming the target of their wrath and not just from the person sinning, but also from my fellow Christians who don’t like me correcting others. It not only just them simply trying to tell me how I should not be publicly rebuking them, but it has resulted in name-calling some hateful vile things as well.

Most of the time it does start pretty civil, it just ends up resulting in an emotional response from others. Usually, after they ironically attempt to publicly rebuke me telling me it’s wrong to do it to other Christian. A hypocrisy from them that I have found to be a little amusing to see.

In the end, ultimately they will argue that I need to pull the offender aside and privately talk to them about their sin. More often than not they will attach Matthew 18:15-17 to back up what they are saying to me.

I will address the scripture they use in just a moment. However, I must ask, is this really the best course of action for Christians? How does this undo the damage that is done? If a self-professed Christian is passing off false Doctrine, sinning is public, bringing shame onto God, His people, and His word, how can that be resolved in private? How does it answer the charges that are now levied against the Lord and his people of inconsistency and hypocrisy?

The answer is, it does not. It just leaves it out there to “spread like cancer” (II Timothy 2:16-18)

Ask yourself, what effects do you think a Christians false teaching or sin has when done in public? What effects do you think this false teaching/sin will have on God, His people’s persuasiveness, reputation, and influence with all those that believe and the unbeliever who we wish to teach about Him to?

If we do not publicly correct a public sin this could only serve to drive a wedge between Christ and the unbelievers. We’re supposed to be planting seeds not driving wedges. So the idea that God would want this does seem a bit off character for Him. So why does Matthew 18:15-17 tell us to take a fellow Christian aside and out of sight of others to correct them?

Well, it doesn’t, this comes from a misuse of what said. There is a very important qualifying condition that I think people missed when reading Matthew 18 here. It says, very clearly, “if your brother sins against you”. This is not in regards to a public sin, it has to do with a private sin, sin that doesn’t affect the public reputation of God and His followers.

It’s basically saying that if somebody sins privately you should deal with it privately. It’s not saying that you do not deal with public sin in public. However, there are some situations where it may actually be beneficial to deal with public sin privately and I think a person should always consider if it would be better to do so or not.

However, it still doesn’t neglect the fact that the Bible doesn’t say that you cannot deal with public sin publicly. Nor does it even make sense to do so and let the damage go on unchecked by not dealing with it publicly.

We even find that Paul was more than willing to publicly stand up and call out his fellow Christian, doing so to their face “…before them all.” (Galatians 2:11,14)

Correcting your fellow Christian show your love for your fellow Christian(s) and unbelievers. It helps end rumors and slander. It shows people you believe what you teach about what the Bible says.

So if I or someone is correcting you don’t get offended don’t feel that they’re picking on you. We are doing it not only to correct you but to stop the issue the sin/false teaching has created. Ending it there and then instead of allowing it to continue to spread and turn people away from Christ. This is not a bad thing, but a good thing we are done out of love of you and others. And it is a huge mistake that Christians are teaching that we should not or cannot publicly correct one another when nursing is done in public.

The pope and the death penalty.

The Pope has recently come out and announced the new position of the Catholic church. It seems they are now against capital punishment and you know what? I agree.

Not because I the bible say we should not (I do think there are good biblical arguments against it). My main reason is that there are people who are innocent, who have been executed. From people who said they never did anything wrong, to people who said they did but did not.

Personally, I am disappointed by people, Christians who think the few innocent people who are killed is ok so long as we can kill many who are. One innocent life is too many.

Sure, in some rare cases we have video evidence and a confession. There still a chance a person is innocent. There are cases on the books where people had gone to jail for crimes they did not do as they had a doppelganger. So even then, we could end up executing an innocent person and it’s not worth it.

We can keep such people behind bars without killing them, heck it’s cheaper too.

Seeking to Destroy Others. Enough is Enough.

Why is it those with different political views are looking to destroy people’s lives, just to score political points?

Roseanne was cancelled recently after she said posted tweet. Although it was bad, it was not really as horrible as people are making it out to be. Something I blogged about a few days ago. Now the right is going after Samantha Bee for saying something stupid as well, wanting her to be cancelled. As well, to make a point about the left’s hypocrisy.

Both sides are willing to destroy the lives of individuals, who just simply said something really stupid. All to score political points for their own side. And it’s not just something that affect the individual who says something stupid. It also affects those who work alongside them. From their fellow actors and actresses, to the cameraman and janitors, who find themselves losing their job and struggling to feed their families when the show is shut down and their services are no longer needed.

Why are people looking to destroy others lives just to get one up on the other? I’m doubtful there are many people who have not said anything in their past that they regret. And I doubt they won’t ever do it again. I’m guilty of it and I probably will do it again in the future. As humans, we say and do stupid things from time to time, things that we regret saying. We shouldn’t have our jobs threatened and lose our ability to support our families, due to that rare occasions mess up.

Yet, all these people are jumping over each other just the score political points for their own side. Sacrificing other people to do so. What has our society become? How is anyone okay with this?

Enough is enough…..

Let Our Works Speak To The Unbelievers

As a Christian, I know what it is like to be attack by non believes. I had some very hateful things said about me and what I believe. I have even had people attack my family for simply being a Christian and not necessarily anything I specifically believe. It does come with the territory.

However, it would seem that many who are calling themselves a Christian, feel that it is perfectly acceptable to behave just as the non believers who are attacking them do. Saying hateful in Vile thing in return. Some may even say it to a non-believer who is behaving civilized with them, because of what others have done to them previously.

This is not how Christians are to act. We are to “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:22) and we are not doing that when we are calling people names, launching personal attacks, being prideful, arrogant or putting others down.

One of the greatest Commandments we have is to love our neighbor. And really, how can we say we love our neighbor when are treating the non-believer so horribly? When our actions make it look like we hate them?

Sure, the non-believer may be hateful and vile towards us in his or her attempt to destroy us. However, the Bible does not tell is to follow all the rules, except when attacked by a atheist or muslim who is trying to hurt our feelings. We are to always be humble, patience, meekness, not prideful, be gentle with perfect courtesy toward all people. Because, we are to , “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against us as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.” (1 Peter 2:12)

We are to use their attempts to destroy us, to being them to the Lord. Just as David did when his enemies had been spreading lies,and being deceitful. In the end, we need to trust God, “When you’re under attack, take refuge in the Lord as your righteous defender.” (Psalm 5:1-7)

Sadly, when many Christians are confronted on their unchristian like behavior/actions. I have found that very few change what they are doing. Either giving excuses as to why they can do what they are doing, ignoring the Bible. Or they claim I am not a Christian, because to them, a Christian does not call out other Christians for what they are doing. Therefore, because they deem me as not a christian, they feel that it gives them an excuse to continue with the unchristian-like behavior. No I’m completely unaware of any Scripture that says that, even if somebody is not Christian they can not point out unchristian-like behaviors and actions.

In many ways, I understand such people. When I was a new Christian, I had a hard time with this. I would fight back giving just as much if not more then what I was given. I said some horrible things to people as a reaction to what they are sub to me. I had a hard time being kind to those who are not doing so with me. It’s just taking me a long time to get where I am today. Even after all these years, I still find that I must pull myself aside and remind myself of how I should interact with others, others who I’m not exactly the nicest people towards me.

We must remember that our works are an indication of our faith. If we don’t act like we believe what we profess to believe, then why would a non-believer even take a serious? Why would they even consider what we have to say?

We must also ask ourselves, our we bringing glory to God with the things we say and do? Is our behaviors and actions resulting in a seed being planted? Or is wedge being driven in? Which do you think is more productive?

Epic SJW gender bull.

There was a time people were offended when some woman breastfed in the sight of others. Some people thought it was sick and disgusting, but others for some reason thought it was a sexual act. And of course both women and men had to point out that it was natural and necessary for the child

Now here comes the social justice warriors (SJW) on their Crusade to tell people how to live and think. Not to mention just plain old reveal their stupidity to the world and remind the rest of us why exactly we don’t like SJW’s again.
Jessica Martucci had released this study in Pediatrics, saying that it is “ethically inappropriate”  as it is reinforces gender roles. Thus they do not want medical organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics to call breastfeeding natural.
When I first heard about this I thought it had to be satire. Boy was I wrong, this was actually was real and it was meant to be to be taken serious.
With that said, there just so many things to say about this. The first thing I must do is ask why? It’s like this women was looking for a issue to complain about because all the SJW bull had been debunked like the rape culture, gender pay gap, etc… So she decided to invent a new issue. A issue nobody was ever even complaining about, but now I suspect I we will ad nauseam.
Next, I do find it odd, because what’s the one thing we hear from SJW trying to normalize a mental illness? That gender is different from sex. Now here this SJW destroying that. Showing that previous arguments where the bull we thought it was.

I also must ask, if we we can’t call something that is natural, natural. Then what are we to call it?

Seriously,  Martucci wants us to ignore reality, as to not offend someone believes there’s something that they are not. Appeasing their mental illness. What’s next? not installing the toilet in new homes because it might offend somebody who believes they are a cat?