My Papers


Commentary on first Peter: version: 0.1

This is a work in progress and will only be updated from time to time



Why The Behemoth is Unlikely to be a Dinosaur


Many Young Earth Creationists (YEC’s) from Ken Ham, Kent Hovind and wide array of YEC’s have made the claim that the Behemoth found in Job 40:15-24 is a dinosaur. In particular a Sauropod dinosaur. In this paper I am going to present a case as to why it is highly unlikely to be a dinosaur using what we know about the dinosaurs’ reproductive system.


There Was Death Before the Fall Of Man


Scriptural claims about there being no death before the fall of man have been made by Christians that deny evolution. This paper will review the scriptural claims being made and show them to be biblically unsupported while providing biblical and logical support for there being death before the fall of man.



  1. Pingback: My first research paper now released. « Mychristianfamily's Blog

  2. Pingback: New biblical research paper released; “There Was Death Before the Fall Of Man” « Mychristianfamily's Blog

  3. The obvious lack of adult literacy aside, this paper fails on a simple point–even people in biblical times had imagination and wrote fiction. For some reason “believers” believe fiction is a new artform when the truth is stories were created and told for entertainment since the moment human intellect evolved to do it.
    Another thing as common then as now is the discovery of fossils. Given our innate curiosity and imagination, it’s no stretch to believe when someone found a few bones they created a story to go along with them. And that’s how you get a behemoth. That’s also how you get dragons. A biblical behemoth is no more real than a medieval dragon, but as people found fossils they also found themselves trying to explain what they were. If you look at the skull of a t.rex, it’s easy to see how someone can imagine what it might look like with skin, and how they fill in the blanks fanciful ideas.
    You can argue all day long whether what was describe was a dinosaur, but the fact remains it’s a story.


  4. The subject of the paper was not founded upon any idea that it is or is not an imaginary work of fiction. The subject of the paper was how it is unlikely that the Behemoth is a dinosaur. Thus, the argument is not affected by whether or not people in biblical times had imagination or wrote fiction. The only way for my argument to have failed is for my argument to actually even have been affected by it. It clearly was not.

    I’m taking a wild guess since you ignored my original argument and had gone on to create a new one to attack (and the timing), you’re the same person stalking me on Twitter?


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