Disgusting: man photographed naked with boy dressed in drag.

If I was to tell you that there was an 11-year-old boy who was dressing up in drag, you probably wouldn’t be thinking much of it, or you probably think maybe that’s a little disturbing. Depending Who You Are that is. However, If I was to tell you that the same boy was going to gay bars to entertain grown men who would hooting & hollering at this boy cat calling him. Chances are, you would recognize that there is something wrong with that. As we’re talking about grown men being entertain by a child dressed in drag and these men are treating him like a typical stripper just dressed in drag.

They even will throw money at this child, whose stage name is Desmond Is Amazing, as he dances in drag to entertain them. All this alone is disturbing enough that it should warrant some kind of Investigation. It should also be something that the LGBT community should be concerned about seeing that they don’t want gays to be seen as a bunch of pedophiles. Yet, there’s very little in the way of speaking out against this. Most of those in that Community are individuals who are speaking out.

However, the little boy dancing in Drag for grown men who are throwing money at him as if he was an adult Entertainer is not the worst of this story. The boy was dressed in drag was doing a photo shoot, posing with a naked grown man. Yet, there’s been no investigation by the authorities, no Child Protective Services getting involved.

It probably would be under most normal circumstances, However, this is the LGBT community that is involved and so they get a pass because nobody wants to be labeled a bigot or a homophobe, despite how this child is being exploited for the gratification of men

My guess is, if this was a little girl at a straight bar and this was going on, there would be a huge investigation, the child would be taken into CPS custody, protest outside the bar, if it was not already shut down. Where unlike with the LGBT community “inclusion” and “diversity” are not excuses straight perverse adults get to use when they allow/do this to happen to a child.

Please don’t get me wrong. I not saying all gays are all pedophiles. Such people exist on both sides. However, it seems this kind of thing is tolerated more within the LGBT community. Hell NAMBLA, the national Association of man-boy love for the longest time has been allowed to participate in there pride parades for a long time. Though I’m not sure if it is still tolerated today, but it has been in the past.

It’s not so much because LGBT organization support this kind of thing, well at least one certainly did. Whoever was behind this bar sponsoring this Drag event. Again, it because they are more tolerant of it and because straight are afraid of receiving the labels, “ homophobic” and “bigot” for simply speaking out against this kind of thing.

It’s both the LGBT community and straights communities fault here. Tolerance of the LGBT community for this kind of stuff and the fear thar has overcome the straight Community for speaking out against it.

This boy is being exploited by grown men because of our failure to act. Sadly it looks like this is going to continue as well. Seeing the authorities aren’t doing anything, Social Services I’d even going to go and question the kid for his parents. Nor are their huge protest out front of the bar.

This is what our society has become. So I must ask, is this what tolerance and diversity has brought us? Is this what we wanted as a society?

Forcing a 6 year old boy to be a girl.

When parents entertain children’s mental illness letting then dress up as the other sex, letting them take drugs to stop puberty instead of seeking the help they need. They are abusing the child.

Many people suffer from a disease where they are delusional and believe their other things. Some think they are cats are dragons, while others some think they are babies and need their diapers changed. For the most common delusion tends to be those who believe there are females when they are born males and vice versa.

Today’s society, unfortunately entertains their mental illness, feeding it instead of seeking to treat them, giving them the help they need. I’m not talking about simply people who dress up, but still know what they are I’m talking about people who actually believe they are the other sex.

For the most part, this is something that is done by adults, doing it to themselves. However, there’s been a shift of late, where children who have not fully matured and who more often than not will grow out of this stage. Where they are going around dressing up as the other sex, convincing themselves that they are something they are not. Often with the support of their parents, schools in organizations that shower them with praise for their mental illness.

Their parents may even encourage their children to alter their bodies at such a young age before they even know who they really are. Taking puberty blockers to be the most prolific.

We are only just now seeing the negative impacts on the children. More so when they are children who have altered their body. There are many examples now. Like a boy who had the support of his family, where the mom gave him her prescription for estrogen, that was meant for her, which had the effect of chemically castrating him, causing him to grow breast even and stunt his growth.

When he finally grew out of it and now will not be able to have a normal life. Unable to father children and now needs breast reduction surgery and testosterone. His mom encouraged this, and he had no ability to understand the long-term consequences of what he was doing with the help of his mom.

Even the children who don’t grow out of it and continue to grow up with such delusions suffering from this mental illness are finding out the there are consequences to altering their body at such a young age. Look at Jared who now uses the name Jazz Jennings for example. He took puberty blockers and his testicles are too small to even use to get a normal sex change.

So when I heard the following story I felt physically ill. Well, I did after I realized it was not a bad joke.

A father is now fighting to keep custody of his child after what he claims is his (ex)wife forcing a transgender identity on his child. He claims she started dressing him up at around three as a girl. He says the boy hates it, but his mom is forcing the boy to do so. Even puting him in school under a girls name.

The dad says that the boy when with him refuses to wear girls close, or use a girls name. This despite how judges forcing him to offer both boys and girls clothes and barring him from talking about this issue he has both from a religious and a scientific perspective. I guess it’s been recognized in the court that this scientifically is wrong. Interesting enough. The therapist the mom pick out says, he only uses the girl’s name when around his mom.

Interesting enough. The therapist the mom pick out says, he only uses the girl’s name when around his mom.

Adding to this is she wants to start the process of having him take medication the will stop him from having puberty and will permanently castrate the boy. A boy who is not old enough to understand the consequences of doing, something that so stupid. At least with the child grow up to make the choice of what he wants to done with his own body, understanding the consequences of those choices.

I’ve often suspected parents don’t just encourage, but push this on children. Perhaps as a way to get attention. But from the legal documents, it would seem that’s the case and the boy’s father is just trying to give his son the opportunity to grow up and be of sound mind, good judgment with a full understanding of what would happen to him and his body after being medicated.

Now there are two sides to every story, but either way. This is something that should not be done to a child even if his mother had nothing to do with making him do so.

Anyway – The father has a long, expensive uphill battle, especially since the mom has the backing and support from the SJW community, I support anything stupid or anything that would destroy the and children’s lives, who are ok with doing this to this child.

If you want to know more or help this father out go to Savejames.comwww.Savejames.com