Wipe with allah

Apparently, Mark and Spencer’s is being boycotted. Why you ask? Because someone from the Islamic faith saw their god allahs name in a pattern in their toilet paper.

When I had first seen a video about this by a random video from Omegon on YouTube, I had thought, at first, this was a joke. Well that waz after I saw the title of the video, thinking it was clickbait.

However, it’s no joke someone believes they have seen in some abstract crinkle in the toilet paper the name of their false god.Here is an image I lifted from Omegon video where he did a side-by-side comparison of the toilet paper and allah’s name.

Now I don’t see it, then again; I’m not making myself see something there that is not in order to be offended. Of course, this is not just Islam that these things in everyday items are in clouds. Many of my fellow brothers in Christ have been so completely random patterns and things believed or seeing anything from Jesus to Mary. Even people claim to see the ark on Mount Ararat from me natural geological formation.

It is like the Rorschach test, also known as the ink block test. People see different things in completely random patterns. I’m not saying it can’t be a sign, as anything is possible. However, I’m quite aware of how the human mind likes to trick us into seeing the things that were looking for or wanted to see. So, even if I see a pattern I’m probably going to be a bit skeptical being familiar of how the mind works.

However, unlike with Islam, I have never seen my fellow Christians, I have never seen a Christian get upset when they see the name or image of any biblical character. Most of the time, we either have a good a chuckle over it, or other pray a little harder as they think it’s a sign from God. I suppose someone out there that might be a few on the fringes Christianity that get upset take offense, it’s just not the norm like it is when it comes to Muslims to get upset if they see a pattern.

Muslims do tend to be snowflakes when it comes to tho gs like this religion. Easily taking offense with just about anything. Getting so offended they feel they must resort to violence or censorship. Sure there are things that Christians get offended over but it’s usually not some random pattern.

Anyway – I will be laughing at this little random pattern found in toilet paper of their gods name and the reaction of Muslims over it.