Obama can’t even say the word Christian

This Easter there had been attacks on multiple Christian churches in Sir Lanka. As usual, the politicians tell us how upset over the tragedy and/or give the victims they’re good wishes/prayers. Doing so is mostly political. Not doing would basically would be political suicide.

Obama is no different and so he tweeted about it. However, I noticed something about the latest post on twitter that stood out to me. He never said Christians, he said “Easter worshippers.” Makes you wonder, what is an Easter worshipper? Because Christians don’t worship Easter they worship the Creator.

So who are these Easter worshippers that were harmed? Well, it was Christians. Just for some reason, he didn’t use the word, Christian. It’s also possible that he chose Easter worshipper as a subtle way to attack Christians. To Christians Easter, and perhaps didn’t think anyone would notice.

I can already hear it now from people who will tell me that he’s a Christian man who has gone to church. I’m not ignorant of those claims. I am also aware of a lot of controversy surrounding the church he has gone to.

However, as a man who is a Christian you would think he would know it was not Easter worshippers that were the victims of these attacks, but Christians who had been. So he will know that the idea that Christians are Easter worshippers is wrong and anti-Christian, going against God’s teachings.

So this leaves two possibilities. He either knew what he said was wrong and said it anyway, or he made a mistake and just misspoke. After all, we are human and make mistakes from time to time. Saying things we never actually meant to say. I, however, don’t believe it’s a mistake and here’s why.

Look at this past. It is yet another recent tweet by Obama. Noticed that when a very famous Church caught fire, again no mention of Christians. Instead, he said people of France. Which would include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, atheist, etc… despite this still being a loss in general for the general population, it’s a Christian church and he chose once again to omit the word Christians, or at least Catholics who would be the ones suffering the most from this loss.

He’s not the only one who did this. If you look at the media is reporting on this, it was as if they avoided the word Christian as if it would get there FCC license revoked the minute was said, even if by accident. Even using the word church was rare if not absent. It seems to be a new thing that I’ve noticed where the only time Christians are mentioned in Media and by many politicians is when they’re trying to portray Christians the negative light.

Now someone might want to argue that maybe Obama just didn’t want to offend anyone. Kind of like saying happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. However, we know he has no problem with using the name of a religion when they are the victim of a tragedy. At least when they are not Christian, but Muslims.

Here’s another very recent tweet from Obama.

It seems he can easily point out and say Muslims when they are the victim, just not when the victims happened to be Christians, choosing different words, poorly chosen euphemisms ( or intentional) or includes everybody of a nation over a specific group of people.

When Muslims are victims, it’s clear he’s able to be very specific as to who the victims are. Despite an entire nation suffering, he never said people of New Zealand or koran worshipers. Instead, he was very specific with who the primary victims are, Muslims.

Why is it he can say Muslim when they are the victim, yet cannot do the same with Christians which he claims to be? There’s something odd about this aspect of Obama.

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