More Kidney Stones

About six months ago I had my first experience with a kidney stone. The pain was unbearable and left me afraid of ever experiencing such pain again. You can say I was emotionally scared from the experience of having kidney stones.
For months every little pain had me fearful of the possibility it was a kidney stone making its way through body. And on January the 10th I had my second kidney stone. Even more painful then the last one. However this time the stone lodged its self into my kidney and was to big to pass normal. Which may explain way it was so much more painful then the last one.

This time my kidney stone required  surgery to remove a 8mm stone. Or at lest that was the plan. After my doctor had seen the stone he realized he could not get to the stone which had become lodged and could not be completely removed.

The stone had also lacerated part of my kidney. So the best thing that could be done is to have a sent put in between my kidney and my bladder and hop it becomes dislodged on its own.
Other wise an even more evasive procedure may become necessary. So I will be stuck with this uncomfortable stent for 4-weeks when another surgery will be performed to have it removed.

I cannot convey just how painful having kidney stones are. But in my case it is not just the pain, it is the memory’s of the experience that is leaving an emotional scar on me. One that has me fearful of more kidney stones and the pain that is associated with them.

I have now decided to make drastic changes to my life in order to try to prevent kidney stones. Including giving up some of my favorite foods and Coke. Something that I have been addicted to and should have given up anyways. So a lot of my life is going to change because I just cannot go through kidney stones again. I know nothing will prevent them completely, as kidney stones run in the family. But I must try. I just cannot go through this again.

Plase take the time to pray for me,

1 Comment

  1. I just wanted to say I share you pain. I am 24 years old and have had 67 surgeries for kidney stones. I currently have a stent in my left side due to a blockage. I have a 2 inch stone that is going to have to be removed by means of a percutanious nepherotomy.


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