David Hogg, swatted

It’s no secret that I not only disagree with David Hogg, but I think he’s a horrible human being. However somebody decided to take it upon themselves to call the police and put in a false report that had SWAT teams rushing into David’s house. And I am adamantly against this.

No doubt the person who call the police thought they were being funny. However, swatting is not funny. It’s dangerous and puts people’s lives at risk. We already have a case where somebody had died due to this hoax.

I have no doubt the police are actually going to find this person who initiated this prank. For one, David Hogg’s is not poor and he is famous enough, with a family well positioned, in positions of power. The police will use resources to actually catch this person. Not to mention, because somebody has already died because of this hoax, they going to make an example out of this person.

And if it turns out to be a pro-gun person, which chances are it is. This is only going to make it harder for those of us fighting in support our right to bear arms. Because now David Hogg and the gun grabbers will be able to use that as an appeal to people’s emotion instead of facts.

How to reduce gun deaths without gun control.

After every mass shooting the first reaction of many people is to demand gun control. Ironically, if such people are asked what law do they want, a law that would have stopped the shooting, we find they dont have any ideas. The reason for this is because when forced to think about it, they realize that no law would work on such people.
After all, if such people are willing to break our highest law of the land, murder… Which has life in prison and even the death penalty attached to it. Then they are not going to be worried about a firearm law that they can easily ignore. Made worse is how we see, that if they can’t get the firearms legally, it easy to get them illegally.
Now I’m not arguing how we should not have laws, no I see them as great after the fact ways of putting them behind bars. It’s just that they do nothing to stop or reduce people from going on killing sprees with firearms. They only work after they kill someone.
What may come as a surprise to the pro-gun control people is how we actually can reduce gun violence without gun control laws. That’s because because the solution is not new laws and regulations of firearms. The solution is to look at what are the motivations and locations people do this at.

So here is a list of things we can do to reduce gun violence.
1.) End the war of drugs:
Most murders where a firearm is used are drug/gang related. From a drug deal gone wrong, to an addict who robs a store to get money to fuel his or her addiction. So, if we end our war on drugs, controlling it and stop discriminating people who use drugs, we are removing the main reason that people kill other people.

With something like 80% of all firearm related murders being drug related that could translate into almost a 80% reduction in gun related deaths. Something, no gun control law could ever archive.

2.) Make mass shooters into a laughing stock:

Many, but not all mass shooters tend to be society’s outcasts. In away, they are a byproduct of how people treat others. Which is to say, not very good. However, this is part of human nature making it unlikely we can change that.

Anyway – When we look at the mass shooters, to them, they are trying to get direct and indirect revenge for the way people treated them. So, one solution to this is to take away their ability to feel like this would give them the revenge they want.

To do this, we encourage media outlets and comedians to immediately start mocking them, making the mass shooters a laughing stock. Effectively turning mass shooters into a meme immediately after a shooting and continue for a long time after. Making the next perspective shooter afraid that their so called glorious act, will become something they would be to embarrassed to have happen to them if they go on a killing spree.

Making them think that that their act of revenge will only encourage people to make fun of them, far beyond anything they experienced. So instead of crying over their atrocity, talking about how many people they killed. Start making fun of every aspect of their life.

3.) Encourage people to carry a firearm:

You don’t need to add more firearms because contrary to what many people think, we can achieve what we need to do with the amount of guns we have. The problem is most gun owners leave their firearms at home. If, however people started carrying their sidearms everywhere, mass shooters/killers and criminals could be stopped sooner. As well, if criminals start seeing others commit crimes being met immediately with firearms, it could result in them rethinking their crimes. Thus, not only reducing murder rates, but overall crime rates.

This should also extend to people in the work place as well.

4.) encourage training:

We should never force people to take a firearm training class, but we should encourage it. Even a simple firearm safety class is a good thing. We could even give incentives to encourage people to take such classes, I’m giving reduce accidental deaths tax breaks if they can show proof they took such class in that year.

This could reduce accidental deaths, while making people more effective at stopping a criminal or mass shooter.

5.) No longer allow gun free zones:

What is one thing most mass shooters have in common? They go on their shooting spree in areas that are gun free zones, or areas where they think it is unlikely they will met with armed resistance. So, if we remove gun free zones while encouraging people to carry, we could stop shooters sooner, while sending a message to people thinking about doing it.